We have 3 excellent volunteer opportunities for you if you have time and are looking for ways to give back related to bicycling in our community. Take a look, and please help! 1. October 14th – Ethnic Expo Free Valet Bike Parking (at a new location this year, on Washington Street at the corner of 2nd Street) – email Amberly Bohland (amberlybohland@yahoo.com). · 3pm-5pm – NEED HELP FROM 2 PEOPLE · 5pm-7pm – NEED HELP FROM 1 PERSON 2. Sunday, October 22nd – Linden Project Community Event Bike Rodeo at CSA Lincoln – no experience necessary. This is a fun event to teach kids basic bike safety and maneuvering skills. Email Laura Garrett (lgarrett@crh.org) · 11:00am-2:30pm – NEED HELP FROM 4-5 PEOPLE 3. Any Sunday from 2-5 and Monday from 4-7 – Columbus Bike Co-op. The Bike Co-op operates because of its amazing volunteers. We have been extremely busy lately and could really use some extra hands around the shop. Please consider volunteering. Email Amberly Bohland (amberlybohland@yahoo.com).