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Two new ways to donate to us, just by shopping


If you'd like to help support the Columbus Bike Co-op, then please take note of two ways that you can support us, just by shopping! Once you've signed up to donate to us through Kroger's Community Rewards and/or Amazon Smile, we will receive donations whenever you shop there! Read on for more information about how you can sign up to support us through these great programs.

Kroger Community Rewards

If you shop at Kroger, then there's a new way that you can donate to the Columbus Bike Co-op. All you have to do is sign up for Kroger's Community Rewards, and then swipe your Plus Card when you shop at Kroger! Enroll by clicking here. Under Find Your Organization, type in "Columbus Bike Co-op" or 16718. Select Columbus Bike Co-op and click on Enroll. To verify that you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on the right side of your information page.

You must have a Plus Card and an online Kroger account to be able to register to give to Columbus Bike Co-op through Community Rewards. Kroger Plus Cards are available at any Kroger. If you use your phone number at the register instead of your Plus Card, then call 800-576-4377, and select option 4 to get your Kroger Plus card number. To sign up for a Kroger account, go to the Community Rewards page of the Kroger website and click on Create an Account. You'll just have to type in a few details to get started and then you can enroll to give to the Columbus Bike Co-op.

Amazon Smile

If you shop online on, simply log in through Amazon Smile instead of and type in Columbus Bike Co-op where it says "Pick your own charitable organization". Then log in through the Amazon Smile website every time you make an Amazon purchase.

We're thankful that these companies are giving back to the community in this way, and we hope that you will sign up to donate to us through Kroger's Community Rewards program as well as giving to us through Amazon Smile! If you're not an Amazon shopper or a Kroger shopper, then you can still support the Bike Co-op by donating bikes, bicycle accessories and/or money, volunteering, using our workshop space and buying bicycles, parts and accessories at the Co-op.

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